Please help us deliver FREE comics to Jails and Institutions
We NEED YOUR Support! Mutiny Comics, and Back To Blue is a grassroots effort. Right now, it’s just me, Adam. I write, draw, scan, layout, prepress, print, bind, cut, and bag everything myself. Amazon does it’s own printing, but locally I do everything myself. I say that because this project won’t get off the ground without help from you. Simple, small things like telling other people about Back To Blue is by far the greatest way to help me. If any part of this book, or even just my personal story has connected with you; please tell someone else about it! My goals are always focused on COMMUNITY. Community = Common Unity. Conversations and dialogue are how we affect change. And change is what this project is all about. Oh, boy… Here comes the sales pitch! IF you are in a position to do more than just talk to others about Back To Blue… Then we also gladly accept donations at Thanks to The Greater Columbus Arts Council of Central Ohio we have received several thousand dollars in grants to help cover the cost of time in putting this all together. However, the remaining bazillions of dollars needed to fund the project are all personally coming out of pocket. It’s an investment and sacrifice I am only eager to make because I believe the message is more important than the money. If you feel generous, and believe in this project as I do, then please consider a small donation today. That’s it, I’m done. Seriously though, Thank You.